Wii HDMI is Now Available for Self Installation!

I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year, I hope you all have a wonderful evening.

Yesterday I officially posted the Wii HDMI kit as a self install option on my store. This means you can now purchase the Wii HDMI kit and install it yourself instead of sending it to me for professional installation. The kit is priced at $79.99. That price includes everything you need to install it on any model of Wii except the Mini. I’m going to be posting a written guide on how to install it on the various motherboard revisions, but in the meantime I did a live stream on Youtube demonstrating the installation process that you can watch here!


In other news, I’ve developed a new variant of Borti’s SNES RGB Bypass + Svideo amp and will be posting it for sale soon. This is a cost reduced design that eliminates some unnecessary components and pads on the original design, which in turn makes the PCB much smaller and cheaper to produce. This version of the mod will offer the same great performance of Borti’s design, but at a lower cost. These boards arrive to me fully assembled because there are no specialized components on them, which reduces my production time. The price for this RGB mod will be $19.99 as apposed to the $24.99 that I previously charged for Borti’s original design.

I am also awaiting the delivery of what will hopefully be the final prototypes of the Universal JAMMA Interface for Vewlix, Sega Lindbergh, Sega P-RAS, SEGA Naomi/Net City/New Net City and potentially more JVS cabinets in the future. I expect to receive and test those in early January.


Well, That’s about all for today, see you in 2024!


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December 31, 2023 arthrimus

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