N64RGBv1 and WiiHDMI back in stock, other product stock issues

I wanted to give an update on the stock situation for many of my products. You may have noticed that most of my products are out of stock and have been for several months. This is mostly due to supply chain issues which are affecting my ability to acquire essential components for many of my products. I have been ghosted by multiple suppliers that were previously reliable and trustworthy, and I have been shipped fake products, and empty packaging from some of the new suppliers who claim to have stock of the parts I need. Particularly bad is the market for FPGAs and CPLDs, which are critical components in my SNES RGB+Dejitter, N64RGBV1, and WiiHDMI mods. As I have run out of my existing stock of these components I have had to take these products out of stock and they will probably stay out of stock for a while longer. I’m getting fed up with trying to track down new suppliers that aren’t scam artists. Until supply returns to the normal channels these products may need to remain out of stock.

With all of that said, I did finally have a supplier come through with CPLDs for the N64RGBv1 mod, so those are back in stock as of today. Supply is still limited but at least for now I can offer that again. I also have a few more WiiHDMI units in stock, but once those are gone that’s probably it for WiiHDMI for the foreseeable future. The WiiHDMI’s FPGA has been the toughest one to get so far. Hopefully 2023 will be the year that we get back to normal, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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October 13, 2022 arthrimus

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